Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
and Restriction of Chemicals
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The REACH is the European Regulation EC 1907/2006 about the registry, evaluation and authorisation of the toxic substances and chemical mixes. This regulation has obliges companies to maintain certain levels of security and control regarding this type of product.
At Barcelona Technical Consultancy we offer four services regarding REACH:
REACH diagnosis
Study and analysis of chemical products and toxic substances.
REACH registration and management
Sign-in and follow-up of the REACH-IT account, linked to ECHA (European Chemical Agency) necessary for the registration of chemical substances.
REACH registration
Registration of chemical substances, manufactured or imported within European Union. Developed through REACH-IT with the official programme, IUCLID 6:
- Individual part of Registration through Joint Submission
- Search of Lead Registrant and Consortia
- Application for LoA price, follow-up and management
- Registration with IUCLID 6 and submission. Follow-up via REACH-IT
- Registration of intermediate substances
- Full-dossier REACH (as a Lead Registrant for the Joint Submission)
REACH review
Review and diagnostic of content of SVHC and submission of SCIP (notification at the ECHA Portal of SVHC present in articles at concentration above 0,1%).
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Apart from these services, we also offer OR (Only Representative) in Europe.
Only Representative (OR)
- Representative as Only Representative within Europe for those companies outside the EU
- Creation and follow-up of the REACH-IT
- Registration, Notification C&L and all the necessary actions under REACH for the OR
- Follow-up of possible Inspections by national authorities (REACH-enforce)
- Communication to the customs agents
- Update of the clients list in Europe
- Development and update of the MSDSs
- Technical advice and REACH management of chemical substances and products